Meta Description Generator For Blogger

Meta description for blogger was just part of my automation tool; it is to help you create eye-catching meta description for your blog post and articles. My primary goal of developing this Username generator ideas tool is to help bloggers, who don’t like to spend a lot of time in duplicating tasks or creating meta descriptions manually, easily enrich their blog content with great looking meta descriptions. If you are a blogger and are not familiar on how to make those meta descriptions look presentable, then here’s the right place for you.

Your blog needs to be attractive, if Google sees it as useless nobody will visit, but pretty images and nice captions are not enough to make people click through. Content needs to be one of the main reasons for people to visit your Free description generator online website.”

Meta Description Generator For Blogger

How to Use a Meta Description Generator to Increase Organic Traffic

Ahrefs reports that approximately 90% of web pages don’t receive organic traffic from search results. 90%.

If that stat scares you, don’t panic! There are simple yet powerful ways to increase organic web page traffic—like using meta descriptions.

What is a meta description?

The meta description is a short block of text that describes your web page in search results listings. This text appears underneath your page title and URL.

On search engine results pages, meta descriptions (along with titles and rankings) play a key role in drawing people to your site. In a Backlinko study, pages with meta descriptions received 5.8% more clicks than those without them.

These clicks come with compounding benefits. Google rewards pages with high traffic by increasing their rankings because the search engine sees page visits as a sign of quality.

Boost your page traffic even further by crafting helpful meta descriptions that are tailored to your readers. With the meta description generator, you’ll be able to write compelling copy that boosts your organic traffic.

Step 1: Locate the meta description generator

To find the meta description generator, open the application. Click the “Website Copy” drop-down menu on the left side of the app and then “Meta Descriptions.”

Step 2: (Optional) Enter project details will prompt you to enter project information. This optional step can help you keep track of your tasks by naming them and noting related websites.


Let’s say you’re crafting a blog post about the best tools for dog training. You might use your post title as the project title and enter your blog URL for the relevant website.

Click “Create Project” to save these details and open the meta description generator.

If you prefer to jump straight to the meta descriptions tool, click “Skip this step.” will automatically create an untitled project draft, so you don’t lose your work.

Step 3: Enter your page details

Now that the tool is open, you’ll be prompted to enter details about your web page.

First, the generator will ask for a product or brand name. If your page is not tied to a brand or product (like a top-of-funnel blog post, for example), leave the space blank.


Enter a description of your page. Aim to be as specific as possible.

Let’s build on our example blog post about dog training. Instead of simply writing, “this post provides dog training tips,” you might indicate how many tips you’ll share and the topics that the tips cover.


Provide plenty of details to help generate a relevant meta description. Try to address the problem you solve, what makes you unique, and why that matters. For best results, use 15+ words.

Finally, click the “Choose a tone” menu to pick your meta description’s attitude. Do you want your meta description to persuade your readers, or do you want to convey a relaxed attitude?


If the suggested tones aren’t quite right, feel free to enter your own!

When you’re ready, click “Create Copy.”


Step 4: Review the meta description generator’s suggestions

Based on the details you submit, will use artificial intelligence to generate 12 meta descriptions.

Love what you see? Copy your favorite description to your clipboard by clicking “Copy,” and you can paste them outside of


If you like multiple meta descriptions, click “Save” under your favorites. Access these descriptions in the “Saved” tab.

You can also select “More Like This” to create descriptions similar to your top picks.

If you find a meta description you don’t like, simply click “Remove” to delete it from the list.

Generate as many options as you like by tweaking your page’s details or tone. You can also click “Create Copy” again to produce new options.

Use your new descriptions to kickstart brainstorming or as ready-to-use copy.

Step 5: Fine-tune your meta description

When you review the generator’s meta descriptions, it may be love at first sight—or you may want to make tweaks. You know your brand best, so adjust away! The meta description generator includes a notepad for making revisions.

Use these best practices to formulate the most helpful description for your page.

  • Pay attention to your character count. Although there is technically no character limit, meta descriptions are truncated by Google after 160 characters. Stay below Google’s character count limit to make sure the full text is displayed across all devices. According to BrightEdge, the best descriptions range between 120-150 characters.
  • Write with your reader in mind. Explain how your page can help them in clear, specific language, and provide a call to action. Highlight what differentiates you from your competitors, and write in an active voice to make your message come alive.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing. Include the primary keyword in your description, but avoid trying to fit in as many secondary keywords as you can. Beyond creating a frustrating user experience, keyword stuffing can result in Google search penalties.
  • Look to high-traffic pages for clues. It’s hard to know whether traffic increases are due to your meta description or something else, like rank or page title. You can, however, identify your top traffic pages and analyze their meta descriptions. Do they share anything in common that you can emulate in the future? For a more robust analysis, consider using this method.
  • Create different meta descriptions for every page on your website. Duplicate or similar meta descriptions across multiple pages make it difficult for people to differentiate between your pages.

Use the meta description to draw in your target audience

Your meta description is an opportunity to speak directly to your ideal customer. Craft a clear, enticing message, and you’ll encourage your target audience to explore your page.

We know the pressure to increase reader traffic and engagement can feel overwhelming, so we’ve got your back. Use the meta description generator to instantly create and elevate your meta description copy effortlessly. 

Try’s AI writing tools today!

username generator ideas

A username is a name you use to access certain software, website, or social media platforms. A username is also referred to as an account name, login ID, nickname, and user ID.

In other words.

Your username is the name you select to gain access to specific software or website. In most cases, you can select the username on your own. The only thing that matters is that no one else is using the same username on that platform. 

Smart usernames are:




What Makes A Secure Username

Passwords are the most important thing for online security. But that doesn’t mean you can be reckless with your usernames. 

Research shows that people mostly use their real names and surnames for usernames. This leaves them open to hackers as it’s really easy to guess the username. 

Here are some basic tips to follow to ensure you have a secure username. 

tick png Don’t use your real name and surname as your username

tick png Don’t use your email address as your username

tick png Don’t use easy-to-guess numbers like your address or date of birth

tick png Make sure your usernames are random but easy to remember

tick png Don’t use your ID number or credit card pin as your username

tick png Use an AI-powered username generator to create your usernames

What Are Random Usernames

If hackers get access to one of your online profiles, they can cross-check for other profiles and accounts if you’re always using the same username. 

We recommend you generate a new, completely random username for every online profile. This protects you from attacks and ensures your data remains secure. 

How To Remember All Your Online Usernames?

The good old paper and pen solution isn’t recommended because it’s easy to lose that information. Instead, you can use a password manager to securely store all your usernames and passwords in one place. This way, you don’t need to remember dozens of usernames, and you will never be locked out of important websites again. 

You can check our recommended password managers at 

Why You Should Use Unique Usernames

We know that you should use unique and random usernames for every online access point to keep your profile secure. Another thing we should consider is branding. 

You see, on some websites, people only know you by your username (YouTube for example). It’s important your username ideas look and sound professional. 

This is especially important for businesses and entrepreneurs. Some of the most obvious benefits of using unique usernames are.

point png

Generate Your Username

Find a unique and secure username ideas for any profile. Try our generator now!Get Started

Popular Search:

  • Fashion
  • Fitness
  • Gaming
Username Ideas

What Is A Username Generator

Our username generator is a simple tool we developed that helps you create smart usernames. It uses AI to ensure all usernames are secure, random, and unique. 

How to Use BNG Username Generator

The BNG username generator is completely free to use. You can come back to it every time you need a new username for any account. 

It’s very straightforward to use. Just follow these four steps. 



Start with a few keywords


Click “Get Started” to generate ideas



Pick the best ideas that come out



Register the selected username 

How to Create Professional Usernames

We already explained why having a professional username matters, especially if you’re using it for business purposes. 

Your username represents your business. It’s the first thing potential customers see when they interact with you or your brand. 

We gathered six simple tips you should follow when creating professional-looking usernames. 

tick png Start With Competitor Research
Doing a competitor analysis is the first crucial step that will you save you a lot of time down the road. You have to understand what types of words and styles perform best in your niche/market.

tick png Focus On Brandable Usernames
It’s more effective if your username conveys a deeper meaning and captures the right interests. Think of your username as your brand, not your name. This will help you stand out. 

tick png Go For Memorable Word Structures

  • Rhythmic pronunciations and alterations 
  • Simple and punchy rhymes 
  • Words that wouldn’t be relevant when out of context 
  • Keep the usernames short and simple

tick png Focus On Flow And Pronunciation
Brandable usernames are names that aren’t descriptive but are easy to spell and pronounce. They often use letter patterns of Vowel/Consonant/Vowel as these word structures are typically short, catchy, and easy to say and remember.

tick png Avoid Misspelled Words
Misspelled usernames often confuse your followers. You want to make it as easy as possible for them to find you.

tick png Get Help from AI
Artificial intelligence never runs out of ideas. Our username generator can help you come up with creative username ideas. 

How to Make Sure Your Username Is Available

The username you create is worthless if it’s already in use. Be sure to check all the social media platforms you intend to join.

Start with the biggest ones like Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Medium, or Discord, and add others that are relevant to you.

Make sure you also check domain availability for your username. This will make it possible to create a website for the same name if you ever need it. Our username generator checks domain availability automatically. 

Username VS Display Name

Your username and display name aren’t always the same on your online profile.
While your display name can be your full name or a name that’s used by multiple users on the site, your username always needs to be unique.

People will use this username to search for you on this social network, so make sure it’s relevant and easy to remember. 
Username Generator

Username Requirements On Different Platforms

It’s important to understand each platform has different requirements for usernames. We collected the username requirements on some of the most popular online platforms. 

FacebookUsernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9) and periods (“.”). They can’t contain generic terms or extensions (.com, . net). 5 characters or more
Instagram An Instagram can only contain letters, numbers, and periods. It can’t contain symbols, or punctuation marks. It needs to be uniqueLess than 30 characters
YouTubeThe name has to follow YouTube’s community guidelines. The platform will inform you if your channel name is restricted. Less than 50 characters
TwitchThe name has to follow very detailed requirements published under Twitch’s Username Policy. Between 4 and 25 characters
TwitterA username can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9) with the exception of underscores. Usernames containing the words Twitter or Admin cannot be claimedBetween 4 and 15 characters
TikTokA username can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. The username can’t end with a period. Less than 24 characters. 

Username Generators For Different Platforms

  • Instagram Name Generator
  • Shopify Business Name Generator
  • YouTube Name Generator
  • Facebook Page Name Generator

Try these generators to create Instagram username ideas, your YouTube channel name, or any other username.

30 Examples of Strong Usernames

Random Usernames

  1. FreshSmash
  2. SuperManga
  3. CooCooLoo
  4. Veritano
  5. LaTangerina
  6. DorkyMuch
  7. FollowForLaughs
  8. HahaMama
  9. Loopsy
  10. HumBum

Great Usernames

  1. Wawawoo
  2. Abracadala
  3. Veloto
  4. CrispyTipsy
  5. MuchToSay
  6. LikeHogger
  7. Fashiongramable
  8. Storywella
  9. Soverino
  10. Luvita

Gamer Usernames

  1. GamerGoals
  2. MindOfMadness
  3. DrJoystick
  4. ArcadeParade
  5. MMORex
  6. LionRanger
  7. Broncono
  8. TheDalot
  9. Inferio
  10. LordOfGames

Try Our Username Generator

You’re a few clicks away from your perfect username. Try our generator now!

free description generator online

Generate meta description ideas for your articles and blog posts.

  1. Input: Write the title and target keyword for your post. Select creativity level and press Generate.
  2. AI Writer: Frase AI will perform some magic to write meta description ideas for you.
  3. Output: A few ideas for meta descriptions you can use right away. Click the copy icon to paste it into your document.

What is an SEO meta description?

An SEO meta description is a short piece of text that appears below your website’s title in Google and other search engines.

It helps you describe what your web page content is about in a few words.

This is an important part of SEO because it is your visitor’s first impression of your page and can influence whether people click on your link or not.

Are meta descriptions important for SEO?

In a 5 million search results study, pages with meta descriptions have a higher click-through rate than those without.

Meta descriptions are important because they help describe the content of your web page or blog post, which allows users to find your page when they type into their search bar.

The meta description also appears on the SERP, which is an opportunity to grab attention and persuade people to click through.

Meta descriptions are also important for social media marketing.

Many social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter display your page description in posts.

Are meta descriptions a  ranking factor?

Whilst meta descriptions are not a ranking factor, they can impact and encourage potential visitors to click your page result in the SERPs and boosting conversion rates.

Google rewrites meta description.

Recent research shows that Google is rewriting most meta descriptions in the organic search results.

According to Ahrefs, Google re-writes 62.78% of unique page descriptions.

According to Portent, 71% of meta descriptions for page 1 mobile results are reworded.

Google explained that they’re rewriting the meta descriptions to be more informative.

Examples meta descriptions

How to write great meta descriptions that get clicks

Here are some key steps to creating meta descriptions to improve organic traffic.

Step 1: Front-load target keyword

If you’ve already written your page title, you are halfway to writing a good meta description.

Front-load your target keyword near the start of your meta description to help get more clicks.

Step 2: Use Action Verbs

An action verb describes a task or activity, such as “generate”, “read”, or “launch”.

Using an active voice can encourage users to take action.

Step 3: Add a benefit

For example, a benefit for an e-Commerce product page could be “Free Delivery”. Or, a benefit within the description for a blog post could be “Free Template”.

Step 4: Unique

Write unique meta descriptions for each page on your site.

However, that’s not always possible when you have thousands of products on your website because it would be too time-consuming to edit each one manually.

If that’s the case, use Frase Analytics to pinpoint decaying, quick win or opportunity pages and manually rewrite those page descriptions.

Step 5: Clear, simple language

Above all, be clear and direct when writing for potential readers and customers.

Use the Frase SERP tool to preview your competitors’ language in their page descriptions.

How long should the meta description be?

Google’s meta description limit is measured in pixels.

The meta description might get trimmed by Google at around 960 pixels on a desktop device and about 680 pixels on mobile devices.

So try to keep the description character limit below 158 characters.

Our generator does its best to stick to these recommendations.

How to preview a meta description

If you want to preview your meta description in a browser without using our tool, here are two solutions.

Use Mangool Tools SERP Simulator to preview the meta description on desktop and mobile devices.

Or, if you use WordPress, both the Yoast SEO and Math Rank SEO plugins let you preview the page title and meta description on the page you create or edit.

Can you generate meta descriptions in bulk?

Currently, we’re not able to generate meta descriptions at scale. However, our tool can generate an unlimited number of meta descriptions from the title and keyword you input.

 List of other Frase AI and SEO Tools.

Our other AI Writing tools include:

  • An AI Content Generator
  • Post Introduction Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • A Paraphrasing Tool
  • A tool to rewrite paragraphs
  • A tool to generate blog or page titles
  • A tool to generate unique product descriptions

And other non-SEO tools such as a slogan generator, value proportion generator and summary generator.

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