Benefits Of Blogging For Small Business

Being a small business blogger is great way to get more attention from your potential customers. This article is all about the benefits of blogging for small business .

There are many benefits to blogging for your small business. Since the start of online marketing, blogging has been an effective way to deliver information on a regular basis and create an inbound link profile that attracts customers as well as search engine traffic.

Most of the small business owners think that blogging is a waste of time and money because it takes a lot of time and hard work to have your own blog. But they are wrong. Blogging is one of the best marketing tools they can use. Here are some important benefits of blogging for small businesses.

Benefits Of Blogging For Small Business

01. Increase website traffic

Business blogging increases the number of pages on your company website, thereby expanding its online presence and providing more avenues for potential customers to find you. One study found that businesses that blog have 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. The more website traffic you get, the more you’ll reach potential customers who will likely book, purchase or fill out a contact form to stay in touch.

Consider Make Pop Music—a Wix website that sells production presents—as an example. When looking through the business’s Wix Analytics, we noticed that this blog article had the second highest traffic volume after the homepage. After popping the link into the Ahrefs site explorer, we understood why—it had the top spot on the search engine results page (SERP) for “studio desk setup,” a keyword that averages 150 searches per month. The site explorer also revealed that the post’s high search traffic made it the second most valuable page on the site after the homepage.

02. Drive conversions

Blogging doesn’t immediately pay off for businesses in the way that advertising does; most corporate blogs don’t see a positive ROI until they’ve been blogging consistently for 6 to 12 months. That said, blogs gain potency as they grow which means that they have a longer lifespan than ads. In fact, 56% of marketers say that blogging is effective and 10% say that a blog has the biggest return on investment of all marketing strategies.

To take full advantage of that potential, Ivory Paper Co. shares one of its blog posts at the top of the homepage. The article links to nine of the company’s planners and—as we can see in the “top navigation flows” report below—successfully leads site visitors to product pages.

Wix's "top navigation flows" report shows that 14% of traffic from the homepage went to the post on the best planners. Those visitors then navigated to the different product pages linked within the post.

If you only use your social media accounts as free ad space, you’re missing a huge opportunity. Social media marketing can improve customer retention, as it keep businesses top-of-mind for interested consumers. To reap those benefits, you need to share valuable content that makes consumers want to follow you. Your blog posts will (ideally) contain information that will interest your target audience, so just reshape your content to fit the feed. For example, you could turn the most valuable morsels in your blog posts into social media graphics. On average, small businesses that blog have 79% more Twitter followers than those that don’t.

04. Builds trust in client relationships

People trust what is familiar. Blogging gives customers the opportunity to learn more about your company than they could from an ad or a landing page. A blog gives you a platform to answer frequently asked questions and share company news. Plus, sharing high-quality content shows your target market what you know about your industry, so they can trust you to provide a quality product or service.

Quixotic Design Co. uses its blog to demonstrate that it knows how to scale businesses with strategic design. For example, Why your website isn’t making you money explains how companies can use visual hierarchies and cues to drive conversions. By sharing such an article, the agency simultaneously offers a free resource and demonstrates its value to potential customers.

The Quixotic Design Co. business blog, featuring a post on "How to position yourself as an expert."

05. Reinforces your brand

A blog gives you almost unlimited space to deepen your brand identity. Take Bonny for example—this creative agency uses its blog to emphasize its niche as content creators for lifestyle brands. With catchy titles like #StayHomeStayInspired and Boost Your Superpowers – 3 Best Healing Stones for Busy People, the agency shows that it can create content that appeals to a lifestyle brand’s audience.

A Bonny business blogging post on how brands can use creative brand content to tackle the negative impact of the pandemic.

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